We are going to help the Ocean and the World by boosting the Biological Carbon Pump
We will work responsibly performing the necessary studies with scientist to improve the Ocean Wildlife boosting the Biological Carbon Pump while cruising. This could result in Carbon Sinking that could potentially help to restore the climate to pre-industrial levels.
Locking away carbon in the deep sea is essential to restore the climate. Ocean life helps by bringing carbon captured from the atmosphere to the deep sea; this is known as the Biological Carbon Pump (BCP).
Carbon dioxide is dissolved in the ocean surface feeding the growth of tiny microorganisms called phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton transform inorganic carbon in the atmosphere and in seawater into organic compounds through photosynthesis, making phytoplankton an essential part of Earth's carbon cycle.
Zooplankton respire carbon dioxide and make fecal pellets that sinks from the surface.
Zooplankton and bacteria eat the organic compounds produced by phytoplankton.
That which is not eaten sinks deeper than 1000 meters in the deep ocean, moving carbon from air to deep ocean, transitioning from the Biological Carbon Pump Cycle to the Mineral Carbon Cycle.